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AI vs. humans: Who is behind these innovations?

Updated: Apr 12

Hero image human hand and artificial intelligence

Hello from the INNO-VERSE! For some time now we have been giving our users the opportunity to create innovation articles with the help of our AI, the CoCreator. This is done very easily with a simple source reference, such as a link, a PDF or simply with keywords. But what makes our collection of innovation articles so special?

We use Augmented Intelligence, a combination of artificial and human intelligence. In addition to our Innovation Scouts, who still write the majority of the articles, the CoCreator also generates articles every day, which we carefully review and tag with an AI label to make their origin transparent. This creates a fascinating mix of AI-generated and human-written articles in the INNO-VERSE.

But can you tell the difference? Test your intuition! We have selected three exciting innovation articles on the topics of biodiversity, medicine and health, and artificial intelligence. Two of them were written by the CoCreator and one by our Scouts. Find out which was written by a human and which was written by AI. The answer is at the end of the article!

1. Contribute to biodiversity by jogging: shoe soles spread plant seeds

Rewilding is a form of ecological restoration that aims to increase biodiversity. A London-based product designer has developed an innovative shoe sole that allows you to practice rewilding while jogging by spreading plant seeds.

The soles of the shoes are designed to resemble the fur and hooves of wild animals, picking up plant seeds as you run and releasing them elsewhere. This concept of 'urban rewilding' aims to increase biodiversity and reconnect people with nature in urban areas. The soles look like an enlarged Velcro strip and are designed to allow plant seeds to attach to them and be picked up as you walk. As well as serving as a practical tool, the soles are also intended to raise people's awareness of nature and the biodiversity around them. The project is still in its early stages, but the idea is promising.. [1]

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2. New treatment for eczema: probiotic cream

Eczema is a skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is often treated with cortisone, but this is problematic due to possible side effects. The Graz-based start-up company Lanbiotic has developed an innovative treatment for eczema: live bacteria in a specially developed cream.

The product has been on the market since November and has already received positive feedback. The development was funded by both the company's own resources and grants. The company plans to offer the solution initially in Austria and then expand to Germany, Switzerland and other countries.

The Asian market, especially South Korea and Japan, where probiotics are already widely used, would be of particular interest to Lanbiotic. This innovative treatment is a promising alternative for people who suffer particularly badly from atopic dermatitis. [2]

3. Start-up trains AI to detect art forgery

Forgeries are the faithful companions of an insatiable art market and an art education that shapes the encounter with works of art in a specific way and creates expectations that the forgers then follow. The fact that they have ever better technical means at their disposal does not make it any easier to verify the artistic authenticity of dubiously documented objects. However, its reliability depends on the number of reference examples, and for "good" art forgeries this is understandably low, since they often remain undetected among the originals for a long time.

Swiss start-up Art Recognition promises to improve this with its AI system: It combines a convolutional neural network (CNN) with an approach originally developed for language processing, so-called visual transformers (ViT), which replicate the sense-finding processes of human visual perception.

In close collaboration with the Dutch University of Tilburg and the University of Liverpool, the AI is being trained on originals, workshop products, works by students and imitators of artists, but also on hand-made copies and AI forgeries in order to increase the number of examples for comparison. With its learning system, Art Recognition is now able to make attributions to around 300 artists with a reliability of 80%. [3]

Here comes the solution

Now, do you have any idea which articles were written by the co-creator? As a reminder, one of the articles was written by a Scout, the other two by the AI. Have you decided?

Well, here's the solution: The article "3. Start-up trains AI to detect art forgeries" was written by one of our scouts, while the other two were generated by the co-creator. Did this surprise you? To avoid such surprises, we always make the origin of the content on our platform clear with the AI label. Otherwise, the difference in quality is almost imperceptible.

AI can also optimise your innovation and trend scouting

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