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Trend radar

Trend Radar

Analysing trends, understanding the future

Digitise your trend management and become a gamechanger in your industry

Trend assessment

Rate trends

With your team, you assess the influence of predefined mega and macro trends. Access trends that leading futurologists consider influential or add and evaluate your own trends.

The evaluation works quickly and easily with just a few questions for each trend - without interviews, manual trend research or time-consuming questionnaires.

chances and risks

Reveal opportunities and risks

As a result, you receive recommendations for action for those trends that influence your company and can become either a risk or an opportunity.


Compare your results with the recommendations of leading experts or with AI-based trend indicators to get a comprehensive overall picture. Share the final trend radar results with your entire team or company with one click to take the next steps.

With our radar, trend analysis becomes a breeze.
Nevertheless, we are happy to offer our help.

Use our support to understand how you can build smart, predictive trend management.

Trend evaluation in the INNO-VERSE Trend Radar

Understand influences

Understand influences

Easily see which trends have the biggest impact on your business. Compare and segment the results. Review the assessment in detail. Create a common understanding in your team about the most influential trends.

The benefits in brief

The most important future trends at a glance

Digital trend management - all results in one place

Elaborate methods of trend analysis accessible to everyone

Shared picture of the most important trends in your organisation

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